Imwidu We Support & Grant Dreams to children who are living with a terminal illness,and neurological condition
At IMWIDU, a holistic approach is taken to help and support such children and their families in four core aspects: Practical support, Emotional support, Informational support and Spiritual support.
It is undeniable that their conditions have affected them emotionally, mentally, socially and academically.

Practical Support

Terminally-ill young patients require frequent visits to hospitals for treatment, complicated therapy and long-term medication.
Our dedicated volunteers provide practical support to the ill child and their family, through diagnosis, treatment and beyond bereavement, ensuring they have someone to rely on at all times, for as long as it is necessary.
Support is hugely varied and depends on the needs of the family

Emotional Support

Terminally-ill young patients require frequent visits to hospitals for treatment, complicated therapy and long-term medication.
Our dedicated volunteers provide be spoke emotional and practical support to the ill child and their family, through diagnosis, treatment and beyond bereavement, ensuring they have someone to rely on at all times, for as long as it is necessary.
Support is hugely varied and depends on the needs of the family.

Spiritual support

It is not at all unusual to experience thoughts and feelings of uncertainty when faced with serious illness.
Spiritual support can be a huge comfort. Regardless of faith or belief, we are here to bring you peace of mind, for you and your family and carers. We can also help with any religious needs you have. If we can't help, we'll connect you with people who can. In every case, our team is available to listen and to support.

Informational support

It is not at all unusual to experience thoughts and feelings of uncertainty when faced with serious illness.
Spiritual support can be a huge comfort. Regardless of faith or belief, we are here to bring you peace of mind, for you and your family and carers. We can also help with any religious needs you have. If we can't help, we'll connect you with people who can. In every case, our team is available to listen and to support.

Sponsor a wish

By sponsoring a gift, you're helping make the child’s wish come true.

Join Us

Join our community of volunteers to be an active part of our organization and share the same vision as us

Get Support

You don't have to deal with it alone. We're here to help you

Make a donation

Your donation will help people who are struggling with grief and illness, to get the support they need.

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We value your feedback and are committed to improve the way we do things.

I m with u....

Before and After life

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This website does not provide medical advice.

Please Note: This website is for informational purposes only. No content on this site, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers for any health-related questions you may have. IMWIDU does not endorse or recommend any commercial products or services.

IMWIDU FOUNDATION is a nonprofit charity registered in INDIA
