Our Team

Meet our founder, leadership team and Our Family

Our Mentor

Swami Krrish

Swami Krrish is our mentor. He is based in London. His support through our difficult days has inspired us to take this initiative. Swami Krrish has been on the journey of self-discovery all his life. In 2005, he took sanyaas and in later years discovered the teachings of Swami Nirmalannand. He is a thinker, teacher, healer and shares his insights with anyone with anyone who may seek him. Swami Krrish has dedicated his life to spiritual growth, awareness, and inspiring people to change themselves to achieve greater heights. He is a spiritual mentor to many and has a huge number of followers and students in India, as well as internationally.


Amrita Singh

Amrita, a qualified engineer with an Honours Degree from PEC Chandigarh, India. Amrita has over 20 years of technical experience and has worked in the telecom industry. She was living a very happy life with her husband and her Only child of 17 years, when suddenly one fateful night her beautiful world came crashing down….and now even after so many days, both she and her husband are trying to find the answer to ‘Why it happened to us’. Her grief steered her into a direction of helping people who are grieving pull through and helping terminally ill children.

Member & Volunteer


Brother Kamal – A very senior professional from the corporate world. He did his B.Tech from PEC Chandigarh. He and his wife were a very beautiful and loving couple having a happy married life. Just after four years when their son was 3 years his wife was detected with a serious ailment in kidneys. He lost his wife after battling with the problem for almost 18 years.
Kamal is heading IT & Collaborations at IMWIDU

Member & Volunteer

Isabelle Fraisseix

Emotional therapies based on different technics of breathing, dynamic and talking... to open a full consciousness after releasing some old emotions

Member & Volunteer

Sandeep Kapur

Brother/Bhai Sandeep Kapur, alias Sanju bhaiya is helping take this mission world over. He studied engineering and completed B.Tech from PEC Chandigarh, India and then did his MBA from S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai. Sandeep is expert in Transformational Learning, coaching individuals & teams to achieve what seems impossible at the beginning. He is adept in coaching models based on Ontology (Study of Being), Phenomenology (Study of how Human Beings interpret experiences) & Theory U (Presencing Institute founded by Otto Scharmer, MIT). Sandeep was very successful and held many senior positions during his 20 years in the corporate sector

Member & Volunteer


Sister/ Didi Dimple: A selfless social worker. Dedicated herself to helping the needy. She has been teaching meditation to differently-abled children and to the old.

Member & Volunteer


Sister/ Didi Gurpreet: An IVF doctor by profession. She has been practicing meditation since the age of 5. Whenever free from hospital she meditates for souls.

Member & Volunteer


Sister/ Didi Kiranjit : She is based in New York, USA. She lost her only son aged 21 years. She is deeply into meditation and healing. She is an arts teacher by profession.      

Member & Volunteer


Sister/ Didi Jass: She is based in London and into academics for children.

Our Experts

Company Secratory


Brother/Bhai Jatin is a young social impact-minded qualified Company Secretary. He voluntarily works continually to build and enhance the public’s trust in the organisation and to do the right thing. His innovative ideas, compassion for others, and passion for the organization’s mission and vision makes him a special human. He is responsible for the efficient administration of IMWIDU Foundation, particularly with regard to ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and keeps board members informed of their legal and social responsibilities.



Brother Kailash is a young advocate who has a greater ability to see pain and feel compelled to relieve it. Having lost his father he has compassion and desire to ease the suffering of bereaved. He voluntarily guides us on legal regulations and works relentlessly for hours to raise awareness about specific issues or a cause while we can provide a bridge between the abstractions of public policy and the lived experiences of those for whom policies are designed. He helps not only bring more voices to the policy table, but also different voices especially the most vulnerable and underrepresented, who without the concerted effort of individuals and organizations dedicated to various causes, may otherwise remain silent in the policy process.

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IMWIDU FOUNDATION is a nonprofit charity registered in INDIA
